Dear Heavenly Father, we Love You. We Praise You. We THANK You for all that you are and all that you are doing. We are honored that by Your Hand we have breath in our lungs today. Yahweh Your Protection has never left us. Your door of Provisions is opening wide for so many faithful Hearts. Father Yahweh, I see the life springing forward from the GOOD soil. I see so many who planted many seeds years ago. They continued to work that soil, dig the holes, plant the seeds, pull the weeds, water, and nurture what You had them plant. Sometimes they hit rocks when digging the holes. Sometimes they got blisters on their hands holding the small shovel in preparation for Your Harvest. Sometimes they could barely stand from being on their knees for so long and sometimes the Water for these precious seeds came from their own tears. Oh, Yahweh, You know the exact Hearts I am talking about. Their spouses, family, and even closest friends do not know the number of tears they have shed over these precious seeds they have planted. They have prayed for years. They have been FAITHFUL, Yahweh.
I hear You, “Prophesy to these fields!!!”. In the Name of Yahushua and in obedience to Father Yahweh, I Prophesy that it IS time for exponential growth and true MIRACLE GROW of these fields sown by Yahweh’s FAITHFUL ones. You have endured so much. You have turned the other cheek. You have Loved through the impossible. You have given everything. Take your hands and place the palms up to the Heavens. Yahweh, I ask that You pour Your Blessing into their Hands at this hour. Father Yahweh, do not hold back the treasures that You have stored in Heaven for them. May their Hands RECEIVE Your ABUNDANCE anointing right now for their own lives and those lives that they touch. Let the FRUITFULNESS be evident … so much that even they will be in awe at the manifestation of Your Miracles. Thank You, Yahweh, for hearing and answering My Prayers. Thank You for the Blessings upon these precious Hearts. You have Hand-delivered this Message into their Hands, may the MIRACLES of our LIVING FATHER Yahweh spring forward in this hour, in this season of your life. Amen and HaleluYah!!!