Yahweh is showing me many people continuing to walk back into their past. It is keeping them “stuck”. He showed me the scripture of John 5 where Yahushua approaches a paralyzed man lying on his mat by the pool. He asked the man if he wants to be made well. Yahushua wasn’t concerned with what the other people were doing or had done to the man. He didn’t want to hear all his troubles and woes of how no one else would help him or how they would get in front of him when he tried to crawl to the healing pool. Yahushua simply wanted to know if the man wanted to be healed. When the man turned his focus to Yahushua and away from the disappointment, the hurt, and the betrayal of what others had done to him … the Miracle happened. Yahushua tells him to pick up his mat, walk … and sin no more. Yahushua healed him and instructed him to walk (i.e. to move forward!). He did not instruct him to go back and sit on the mat paralyzed again. He had been freed of that paralysis and was given NEW LEGS to WALK!
“Then Yahushua said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.” John 5:8-9
Too many people are spiritually paralyzed. But Yahushua has come to heal you! Some of you have already been freed of the pain of your past and the situation that had you trapped and in bondage. But He is showing me that some of you keep diving back into the past to relive it, to bring that misery into your future. This is not in alignment with His Truth for your life. He is saying to you today, “pick up that mat and WALK! Do not turn back. Do not look back. I have a BRIGHT future ahead for you. Just as My scars are enough, so are yours. I will make GOOD out of what the devil meant for harm. Your scars should not be a reminder of the deep pain of hurt, unforgiveness, or regret. They are there as reminders of the One who Loves you unconditionally, who died on the cross for you, and who freed you of those dark chains of your past. I am here. It is ME. Your healing is with Me not hidden in the darkness of your past. Walk with Me.”
“Yahushua answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6
If your scars had been healed and you recently or frequently walk into your past causing the scars to be reopened again, know that today is a NEW DAY. You do not need to relive that pain any longer. He has healed you of that paralysis and has given you NEW LEGS. Yahushua is here and Loves you more than you could ever humanly comprehend. Walk with Him, be filled with His LIGHT and HOPE of a future that will rewrite your past. I hear Him, “Remain in Me … stay right here with Me. I’ve got you.”
Yahweh Bless you and keep you, with MUCH Love!