God gave me a Vision of a beautiful still lake. It was so calm it looked like glass. I then saw a large pebble drop into the water and so many beautiful ripples formed. Within moments, the ripples were able to reach the shore. Yahweh showed me the impact of the ripples formed by each heart. I saw some ripples filled with His Light. I couldn’t help but smile with gratefulness as I witnessed the amazing impact a single heart can make in this world.
When you start your day, you create a ripple. What you start today has an impact not only on your life but on those around you. Do you start your day with gratefulness for all that God has done and is doing in your life? Do you start your day filled with hope?
Your smile can start a powerful ripple effect.
Your kind words can start a powerful ripple effect.
Your hug can start a powerful ripple effect.
Your faith can start a powerful ripple effect.
This world needs God’s Love more than ever before.
You have the power to start a very powerful ripple today. Your single act of kindness can reach the shores of other countries. You have an impact on the lives around you. The lives you impact have an effect on those around them and so on. What you start today can impact so many people and be pretty amazing. Be a Blessing to those around you!
“So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Galatians 6:10
Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!