Dear Heavenly Father, we Love you! We thank You for another beautiful day. We thank You for breath in our lungs and another day to make a positive difference in this world. We ask that You set up Divine Appointments for each of us today. You know exactly what each person needs at the exact moment they need it. We ask that You open the ears to Hear the Ruach Hakodesh (aka Holy Spirit) so clearly. We ask that You give Courage to each heart so they take the steps you instruct. We know You push people out of their comfort zones so that they grow and accomplish Your plan.
Give them Grace and Mercy, wash them with Your Love. Some hesitate because they do not feel worthy. They do not yet understand how the God of the Universe could or would use them. Show them, Yahweh.
Father, I see multiple heads bowed right now praying. Their hearts long to make a difference for You. I hear them saying, “Send me”. Yes, Yahweh … send them! Instruct their steps and give them the Courage to be obedient to what You command. Many have the heart, they just need the Courage. May today be a LIFE changing day in an AMAZING way. Let them see, feel and taste Your Presence. Let them have an experience with the One and only living God. Let them experience what it feels like to have You flow through them to make a powerful impact in the lives around them. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers today, Yahweh. It is in Yahushua’s Name we pray. Amen and HaleluYah!