Dear Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for another day on this earth to serve You. Who are we that You, the God of the Universe, would choose us to be Your LIGHT and LOVE upon this earth? You have never given up on us. You continue to provide in impossible ways. You continue to go after the lost sheep. And when You find them, Your LOVE washes over them as You embrace them with OPEN ARMS. You meet them where they are in life. It doesn’t matter how deep or dark their sin is. Your Love makes a way and shines a LIGHT in the darkness to bring them back to You. I hear, “No sin is too great for My Love to wash away.” So many run from You because they do not feel worthy. They do not believe that You can LOVE them and REDEEM them. They have not yet had an encounter with the One and Only LIVING GOD. We cry out Yahweh that You send Yahushua to the masses. Send Him to the lost. Send Him to those who believe they are “bad” and have done such bad things that You would never LOVE them. PLEASE SEND HIM.
“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 6:44
There are so many who are lost and in need of Your LOVE. We are asking for Miracles around the world today for those that are lost and hurting. Father, we cry out asking that You orchestrate every detail to set up millions of Divine Appointments today so they come to know Yahushua. PLEASE SEND HIM. Satan has unleashed false teachings that You are not real and is trying to infiltrate through the children, college-age kids, and adults. They need a personal encounter with You without delay. PLEASE SEND HIM. Show up as You did in the time of Elijah. In one moment, they all knew the God Elijah served because You started a fire in a heavily soaked pile of wood when others could not. In response to Elijah’s prayer, You lit the FIRE. I am asking Yahweh, LIGHT THE FIRE. Let the WHOLE WORLD know the God we serve and Your AMAZING LOVE.
Amen and HaleluYah!
Will you Worship with me today? God is Love