Dear Heavenly Father, we Love You. We Praise You. We THANK You for all that you are and all that you are doing. We RECEIVE the FULL HEALING that is falling as HOLY FIRE from the skies right now. We come into agreement with the HEALING STRIPES of Yahushua. We speak to every disease specifically the spirit of inflammation and command it to leave the body now and do not return. There is no room for you and the HEALING of Yahushua within these temples. Yahweh we thank You that You are sending RESTORATION RAIN upon the lands. I see MIRACLES springing forward. So many thought you had forgotten about them but they are about to get a knock on their door with an opportunity only You could orchestrate. The devil and his crouching demons have been at the door for too long. It is time they scatter now in the Name of Yahushua and by the COMMAND of FATHER YAHWEH. We are children of the ONE and ONLY LIVING GOD and His Name is Yahweh.
Oh, HaleluYah! We thank You for the precious GIFT of Yahushua who is the King of ALL Kings. He is commanding Your Angels forward to fight UNSEEN battles keeping Your children from harm. Your LOVE is evident and washing over people right now. I see the Ruach Hakodesh bringing forward HEALING TEARS from many eyes unprompted and unplanned. Their Spirit recognizes its Maker. They know it within them that they just received a TOUCH from You. They can see right past the person and feel the Ruach Hakodesh disarming them right now. HaleluYah! HaleluYah! HaleluYah!
RESTORATION! RESTORATION! RESTORATION! I see it in your BONES. The dry bones are rattling RISE IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA. RISE. The devil doesn’t have a chance! Yahushua has covered you. The Angel of Death will pass over your door. YOU SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE. Thank you, Yahweh! Oh, thank You Father You are FAITHFUL. You re JUST. We ask a Blessing upon each Heart receiving this WORD right now. Let the spirit of illness leave their body now for Your NAME sake and as a sign to this nation that You are KING and aside from you there is NO OTHER. We Thank You for hearing and answering our prayer. Amen and HaleluYah!!!
Worship with me today: Rattle by Elevation Worship