Yahweh gave me a Vision today of a cloud. Yahushua then took His Hand and just from a small command from His Hand, the cloud instantly moved into the shape of an infinity symbol. I watched in awe as Yahushua commanded the cloud, even without a word from His lips. It instantly moved and was transformed into what He commanded it to do. I then saw a Vision of Heart after Heart aligning with Yahushua. Each one completely sold out for Him. Each Heart surrendered all with a true desire to serve Him. Their Spirits in complete alignment with Him. They have fully surrendered and have a deep desire to do and be all that He needs them to be.
He spoke not through human words but through His Spirit Yahushua looked up to Father Yahweh and with a nod of His head, the skies opened. A MIGHTY anointing filled the sky between Heaven and earth. It was the most Beautiful GOLD glory the eye could see. I saw Yahweh’s Angels descend from Heaven by His command. Each going to the side of His chosen
Angel Army on this earth. It is time.
“I have prepared you for a time such as this and although the devil may try to stop you, his attempts will fail. I have prepared your Heart to flow of My Spirit. My anointing upon your life will frustrate your enemies. You will walk through fire and be unharmed. You will trample on the snake spirits and destroy the yoke and bondage of the evil one. Your ear has been perfectly tuned to My Voice. Your Heart is fully surrendered to Me and My Will. Many are called but few are chosen. The testing and trials will turn some away. As I chose an army for Gideon, I am choosing My Army of Angels upon this earth. As I removed Saul from the throne and replaced him with David, I will be shifting and moving people in positions of authority. No longer will lukewarm hearts be leading My children. I will be flattening mountains and shifting things that no man could do. Suddenly you will be in your rightful place by My Hand. Wait on Me.”
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name, He may give it to you.” John 15:16
Yahweh Bless you and keep you, with MUCH Love!