Thank You, God for the Blessings that are falling from Heaven over people right now. Thank You that Your Mighty Hand is with them and the spirits of poverty and lack are leaving their door at this hour. I see ABUNDANCE entering their household. Gone are the days of having just enough. You have sent Your Spirit of abundance upon their life. I see GOOD HEALTH being breathed in as they center themselves in You. I see the rest of the world fading away and them fully breathing You in bringing healing at a cellular level. I break every word curse and diagnosis over their life now in the Name of Yahushua. YOU SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE. You are a child of God and NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER. Father, You uphold them with Your right hand and no harm will come upon them. Your protection is MIGHTY and just. You will BLESS those who BLESS them and curse those who curse them. We thank You for Your unfailing LOVE and PROMISES. Amen and HaleluYah!
“No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
God knows your struggles better and more than anyone else. He does not want you being a silent sufferer. He wants you to receive His FULL Healing right now in Yahushua’s Name. Do you know that you are sealed in HIS PROMISE?
I see the Word HEALING floating in the atmosphere within His Glory Cloud. I see the LIGHT shining brightly. SUDDENLY the Healing Rain drops fall upon your head. I see you lift your face to the Heavens and the Healing Rain gently covering every part of your face and head. HIS LIGHT within the Healing Rain absorbs within moments into your face. Yahushua extends His Hand and places it on your head. His gentle smile is filled with Love as He speaks, “You are healed by My Stripes”.
The Victory is yours in Yahushua. It is done. Receive it. Claim it. Know it. STAND IN IT.
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5
God gave me a Vision of a beautiful still lake. It was so calm it looked like glass. I then saw a large pebble drop into the water and so many beautiful ripples formed. Within moments, the ripples were able to reach the shore. Yahweh showed me the impact of the ripples formed by each heart. I saw some ripples filled with His Light. I couldn’t help but smile with gratefulness as I witnessed the amazing impact a single heart can make in this world.
When you start your day, you create a ripple. What you start today has an impact not only on your life but on those around you. Do you start your day with gratefulness for all that God has done and is doing in your life? Do you start your day filled with hope?
Your smile can start a powerful ripple effect. Your kind words can start a powerful ripple effect. Your hug can start a powerful ripple effect. Your faith can start a powerful ripple effect.
This world needs God’s Love more than ever before.
You have the power to start a very powerful ripple today. Your single act of kindness can reach the shores of other countries. You have an impact on the lives around you. The lives you impact have an effect on those around them and so on. What you start today can impact so many people and be pretty amazing. Be a Blessing to those around you!
“So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Galatians 6:10
Dear Heavenly Father, we Love you! We thank You for another beautiful day. We thank You for breath in our lungs and another day to make a positive difference in this world. We ask that You set up Divine Appointments for each of us today. You know exactly what each person needs at the exact moment they need it. We ask that You open the ears to Hear the Ruach Hakodesh (aka Holy Spirit) so clearly. We ask that You give Courage to each heart so they take the steps you instruct. We know You push people out of their comfort zones so that they grow and accomplish Your plan.
Give them Grace and Mercy, wash them with Your Love. Some hesitate because they do not feel worthy. They do not yet understand how the God of the Universe could or would use them. Show them, Yahweh.
Father, I see multiple heads bowed right now praying. Their hearts long to make a difference for You. I hear them saying, “Send me”. Yes, Yahweh … send them! Instruct their steps and give them the Courage to be obedient to what You command. Many have the heart, they just need the Courage. May today be a LIFE changing day in an AMAZING way. Let them see, feel and taste Your Presence. Let them have an experience with the One and only living God. Let them experience what it feels like to have You flow through them to make a powerful impact in the lives around them. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers today, Yahweh. It is in Yahushua’s Name we pray. Amen and HaleluYah!
The Father is looking for a remnant who will surrender all to Him. A remnant who seeks Him from the depths of their soul, who long to hear His Voice more than any other voice. A remnant who does the Will of the Father no matter what it costs them. A remnant of Prayer Warriors who don’t get swept away by the emotional Red Sea.
I know the preparation is not easy, however, what you are going through IS preparing you for something far greater than you can imagine. To build muscle, you need to be disciplined and put in the time and effort. You’ll have to push through when it is difficult and when you don’t “feel” like it. As you are consistent and disciplined, you WILL gain strength and muscle that will surprise even you. The same thing happens spiritually in your walk with God. You have to exercise the muscle, there is no way around it. Think about how a baby learns to walk. They have to take the first step and then another step until they build strength in their legs, and coordination and are able to walk on their own. God does this with you too. If you need to learn patience, He is going to give you opportunities to walk in patience. If you need to grow in faith, He is going to give you opportunities to live that faith. If you need to learn Peace and self-control, He will present situations where you can exercise that Peace and self-control. The preparation can be very difficult but those who persevere will gain the crown of Life.
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12
Yahweh is choosing His army just as He did in the time of Gideon. This is not a time to play church where you show up on Sunday and do nothing to grow spiritually in all that He is. You are on this earth (not for the experience or for it to be all about you) for His purpose. You have a very specific assignment, special operations! It takes intense training and time to reach that rank in His army. Do not quit! KEEP GOING! Push through and know you will come out on the other side. You will make it through. He has a very select remnant right now that He is walking through steps of the final preparation. Again, don’t quit! He has chosen you for a time such as this … and no matter what you face always remember to choose FAITH OVER FEAR.
It is time for your Words and thoughts to align with God’s Truth. Yahushua came to break every curse upon your life, to bring true freedom and release you from spiritual bondage. The evil one likes to use word curses to bind a Believer’s life and mind. He uses the spirits of offense, anger, hate, jealousy, rejection, etc. to speak lies and ugliness to a believing mind. If that person entertains the lies and comes into agreement with those lies, suddenly they start thinking and speaking the exact word curses that the evil one hoped they would speak. He knows how much damage they can cause with their own tongue. He knows the road blocks they can put up with their words. He wants a believer to plant seeds of doubt, discouragement and death instead of sowing a harvest of LIFE.
Have you ever come into agreement with lies that you are unworthy? That you will never amount to anything but failure? That this world would be better off without you? These are all lies and do not line up with the Truth of God. Test the spirits. They are not your thoughts. They are the infiltration of the evil one. Ask God to forgive you for ever entertaining those thoughts or even speaking them. Ask Him to close every door and sever every demonic bondage through word curses.
Satan wants to use the mouths of Believers because he knows the power that is held within you. You have the Ruach Hakodesh (aka Holy Spirit) to guide you into ALL TRUTH. It is a GIFT from our Heavenly Father, through Yahushua. The devil knows that the power of LIFE or death is on your tongue. He knows that you can speak and the demonic curses WILL BE BROKEN. However, the devil is tricky. He wants to keep people under the spirit of ignorance so they parrot his words through the spirit of justification. He convinces them that what they are speaking is true and they are justified in that thought and the words they speak. He does this to keep the Believer in bondage instead of them coming to repentance and severing the demonic bindings of their words. Do not fall for this trap. SPEAK THE LIFE AND TRUTH OF GOD over your life and other’s lives ALWAYS.
If the Ruach Hakodesh is convicting your heart and bringing to remembrance word curses that you have spoken (whether it is over your own life, other’s lives or both) pray this prayer:
Heavenly Father I come before you today to say I am sorry and ask for Your forgiveness. Thank You for opening my eyes to see the words I have spoken that brought curses instead of Blessings. In the Name of Yahushua, I void every word from the evil one that I have ever spoken. I cancel it and destroy it right out of the atmosphere. Every word curse be nullified at this moment through the blood of Yahushua. I ask You, Yahweh, to REVERSE EVERY CURSE that has flowed off of my tongue to bind my life or any other person’s life. I know and receive Your POWER of the Ruach Hakodesh that lives within me. I know when I decree Your TRUTH an activation in the spirit realm goes forward. I decree and declare that my Words are destined to fully align with Your Words and Your TRUTH. I decree that my mouth is a vessel for Your glory and not for the devil. I speak LIFE and BLESSINGS manifest because of Your Spirit within me. In the Name of Yahushua, I cancel every word curse spoken over my life by the evil one. Satan loose me right now; you hold no legal ground in my life. I am the child of God and He has opened my eyes to His Truth today. My mouth will no longer be your weapon of destruction. My tongue will be used to bring LIFE and BLESSINGS. I will no longer curse my own life or any others through my words. Amen and HaleluYah!
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Proverbs 18:21
We serve a God who is faithful. What He has spoken to you will manifest in His timing. Do not listen to the naysayers who speak against you. Continue to stand steadfast in Him and do not let what He has spoken to you ever leave you. Hold onto his Truth. The naysayers are nothing more than a distraction. Keep your eyes on Yahushua. His Peace is abounding. His ways lead to everlasting Life.
Press into Him, listen for and to His Voice. Do not stray to the left or to the right. Stay on the path with Him. Ask Him for His Wisdom and Understanding. Ask Him to show you what you need today.
He wants you to spend more time with Him. Stop what you are doing for a moment, breathe and have a good, deep talk with Yahushua. Don’t just tell Him all that you are feeling but pause and listen to what He has to say. Many people don’t realize that the conversation with Him is two-sided. So ensure you pause and listen. Long to hear what He has to say each day. His Voice speaks and as you seek Him, you WILL find Him. HaleluYah!!!
“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3
“That they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,” Acts 17:27
This Message from Him is so strong today, breathe Him in, receive it in it’s entirety. These are not random words meant for someone else … these WORDS are for YOU.
This big gap you see of the impossible staring you in the face … the one that appears like there is no way will soon fade to nothing. It’s an illusion to try to shift your thoughts to a belief that you should not pursue your purpose and the dreams that God has placed within you. Do not let the devil rob you of the things God has ordained for your life. Partner with Him, stay steadfast in Him. Together with our loving Savior, you can accomplish so much! Do not let your thoughts drift to darkness, doubt or discouragement.
God says, “There is a way and I will do it. I have spoken over your life since conception in the womb. My Hand is upon you. You are destined for great things in MY NAME. The devil is a liar. Do not entertain his lies and thoughts. He only wants to bring discouragement and destruction. He doesn’t know the plans I have for you. You are mine.”
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2
Heavenly Father you are showing me how the devil whispers in people’s ears telling them they are never enough or that they never have enough. I see the Word CONTENTMENT floating in the atmosphere down from the Heavenly realm. We pull that down into this physical realm right now in the Name of Yahushua. Yahweh help people find their worth in YOU. Help them to be content in all circumstances knowing that YOU have their best interest at Heart. Father Yahweh, in a world that is so focused on instant gratification and “self” … please remove those materialistic selfish spirits right now in the Name of Yahushua HaMashiach. It is time for people to truly BREATHE YOU IN, to receive Your Truth and PEACE through every part of their being. Father, please speak LOUDER to Your children so that they know THEY ARE ENOUGH! Let them know just how deeply You Love them. As they seek You and surrender their life to You, transform them into Your image.
“So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27
We have all heard “where there’s a will, there’s a way”. The devil has used people’s free will for far too long! He gets them to go to great measures to sin and turn away from You. It is time for the spirit of rebellion and disobedience to be bound in the Name of Yahushua and returned to the pits of hell. Get way from Yahweh’s children now.
Yahweh has a PLAN for His children … FOR YOU! You are enough. He Loves you.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9
Heavenly Father I ask today that Your Peace pours over those reading this right now. I see so many dealing with anxiety and stress. They are doing their best to clear their thoughts but the spirits of anxiety are trying to overwhelm them. I speak LIFE over them. I hear “everything is going to be okay”. Please let that Truth penetrate every part of your being.
Father, You are showing me how you care for the sparrows and how much more you would care for your sons and daughters. Worrying is not adding a single minute to their life. It is taking away and filling a spot where JOY is meant to reside.
Deep breath … imagine Yahushua smiling in front of you with Heaven’s Light all around the two of you. His Love for you is so great. He will not forsake you. He knows exactly what you need at the exact moment you need it.
Everything is going to be okay.
“Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6