What you CAN do

In a world ? where you may be feeling a bit hopeless ? and like there is nothing, you can do. Hogwash! You CAN do something. ?

Often humans think on large grandiose scales which, believe it or not, is what actually stifles their creativity, purpose, or START! It is a “go BIG or go home!” mentality. Well, if you are trapped in that type of thinking, you might be finding yourself sitting instead of DOING. You may feel the world needs saving but there is NOTHING you can do. ?

Take a moment to think about a turning point in your life. Chances are that it was a very specific event involving a specific person or outcome … usually one main motivator. Right? One event, one person CAN catapult an entirely new season in your life. Are you with me? So, IF that event or person impacted your life, why can’t YOU be that person for someone else? Why can’t YOU be the vessel for something so LIFE changing for someone that it causes them to enter into a new season of their own life? What IF you decide to start with ONE? Making a difference in just ONE person’s life? Maybe even TWO? Can you imagine the IMPACT something so simple could bring?

Get out of your own way and get going! You have a LIFE to LIVE. You have CHANGE to exact in this world. You have SOMEONE you can make a POSITIVE impact on right now. START NOW … MAKE A DIFFERENCE. BE THE CHANGE THE WORLD NEEDS, RIGHT NOW.

Many Blessings with MUCH Love,

The Great Divide

The great divide is not what people think or believe it to be. If you are seeing it for anything other than a fight between GOOD VS EVIL then you have fallen into a trap of deception.

I have watched father turn on son, mother turn on daughter, brother turn on brother, and every other combination you can imagine in this time of GREAT DIVIDE. Many falling for the trap of deception by so easily believing what is being fed to them thru the news media and social media.

We are in a time where TRUTH Seekers WILL and ARE finding TRUTH when they search for it with all of their Hearts. The hearts who do not want to hear from the evils of this world but want to hear only ONE Voice … the Voice of TRUTH.

For too many years there has been controversy about the ONE Voice of TRUTH divided amongst thousands of beliefs and denominations … each believing their way is “the” way. And many who argue that there cannot be only ONE way or ONE TRUTH.

What is playing out in front of you is on the brink of the greatest divide in modern history and the loudest Voice of TRUTH ever being heard. This is a shaking and regardless of what the media is telling you, people all around the world ARE awakening to ONE Voice of TRUTH. A Voice that sings the same Melody, brings the same Peace, shares the same Hope for protection, restoration, and unity between the Hearts of people across every continent. A Voice saying ENOUGH is ENOUGH! A Voice whose convictions are solidifying ONE belief in the greater GOOD. A Voice speaking to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. A Voice that recognizes the evil operating THRU people instead of believing people are evil. A Voice of Forgiveness. A Voice of Healing. A Voice of looking for and finding the GOOD.

People who were on the fence of GOOD and evil (serving two masters) are now seeing the lies and deception which have made the decision to choose GOOD an easy decision. People are seeing and hearing TRUTH more clearly. Hearts that believe in GOOD are getting connected around the world at an accelerated rate. The belief inside the Hearts knows without a doubt which side it stands on. Their belief is more solidified than ever before.

If you have found yourself choosing a label of this world over LOVE then you have been deceived.

If you are seeing people for political party, race or religion over LOVE then you have been deceived.

GOOD clearly identifies itself and is separated by its very nature.

Identify the spirit of deception. You will recognize it because it speaks out of both sides of its mouth. It is double-minded and brings confusion.

It says it stands for protecting “some” lives and not all.


It says it stands for peace but brings destruction.


It says everyone has a right to live (including rapists, murders, etc) but yet says it is okay to kill babies, unborn and born. Do you see the double-mindedness?


It says it wants equal rights while it spews hate to anyone who does not believe the way it does.


It says someone is racist because of their skin color declaring doing this is bringing an end to racism … when it is actually bringing more racism. See the confusion???

GOOD LOVES AND UNIFIES.TRUTH SEEKERS are rising all over the world.

You will know them by their LOVE not their label. They …

Choose GOOD over evil.

Choose LIFE over death.

Choose HOPE over hopelessness.

Choose FORGIVENESS over bitterness.

Choose PEACE over unrest.

Choose LOVE over hate.

It is time for the GOOD to WIN.

#timefortheGOODtoWIN #truthseeker #truthseekers #hope #faith #love #life #peace #good #truth #voiceoftruth #unity #life #ammielpeters

Find Balance thru Purpose

Are you feeling like you are going thru the motions and wondering why things don’t feel as meaningful as they once did? Did you use to find joy in day to day things but now find you are feeling frustrated and unsatisfied? These are symptoms of imbalance in your life. You can fill your life with all of the things you think would make you happy (or use to make you happy) but if you are not living purpose, it leaves a void. In today’s culture, it is easy to get vacuumed into the busyness, the “To Do” list and what you feel is the “have to” list but if you’re not careful those busy activities will try to snuff out purpose. Take time to serve others thru your purpose. Volunteer, write a blog, cook a meal for someone, visit the elderly, unplug and spend uninterrupted time with someone who needs a heart just like yours to listen, counsel and help … whatever it is. When you take time to live a purposeful life, the mundane doesn’t seem mundane anymore because you have purpose. Your purpose is not just going thru the motions … Be intentional.

Learning Opportunity

Same situation, different perspective. You can choose to look at the situation as a failure or you can see it as a learning opportunity. How will seeing it as a learning opportunity help? People tend to lose their identity in their experiences. What I mean by this is if people have experienced what they view as failures in their lives, then they often view themselves as a failure. But if you view the situation as an opportunity to learn, you will have a desire to do better, keep trying and not give up!

With much Love,

Glasses of Judgment are made for Self Reflection

Too many people judge others and feel justified in their action of doing so. They forget their mistakes, their imperfections and focus outwardly on other people to find their faults. It often doesn’t stop there, they then talk to others to spread poison of their opinion instead of hope. Have you ever had someone point out a flaw or a stain and then soon you find yourself focusing on the stain, something that previously you did not even notice?

Many say that is just human nature or just the way society is but it doesn’t have to be. Stop the hate. Stop looking for the flaws. Start with self reflection and become the best you that you can be. You have no idea what others go thru … stop judging and choose to look for the good, to FORGIVE and learn how to love your fellow man.

Be kind to yourself and others … always Love.

You are a CHAMPION! It’s time to start thinking like one …

Your thoughts will lead you either to Victory or away from it. You were born to be a CHAMPION. If you feel stuck in a rut and are wondering why the same cycle is continuing in your life … it is time to start thinking like a CHAMPION! The moment the voice of negativity starts bullying you, immediately make a decision to replace that negative thought(s) with Truth of who you were made to be! You were NOT put on this earth to fail or live in negativity, depression, anxiety or anything like it! Just because a negative curve ball may be thrown your way does not mean you need to catch it or hold onto it … THROW IT BACK! Being a CHAMPION takes discipline and being intentional; it doesn’t just happen. You can do this … begin with no longer accepting every negative thought no matter how fast or hard it was thrown. Reject what is not Truth. Be patient with yourself. It is going to take some discipline but as you stay with this and don’t give up, you will see positive changes in your life.

Be kind to yourself and others … always Love.

The Beginning of Wisdom …

Know who you are and do not let the influencers of this world take you down a path you were never to go down. What is your personal Truth? Who are you in that Truth? Are you the same no matter what the environment or do you mold and change to the environment around you? There is no one else like you. You are destined for something no one else may understand especially those closest to you. Do you know that most of the people who have impacted humanity in a big way have had to overcome adversities often from their own family, inner circle and those who are to encourage and lift them? Stand strong and know who you are … no longer give mind to or believe the negativity spoken about you whether it is behind your back or to your face. Rise above it and live your personal Truth. 

Be kind to yourself and others. Big hugs!

#Truth #steadfast #knowwhoyouare #wisdom #rise #youcandoit#believe #ammiepeters #ammielpeters