Dear Heavenly Father, I command the spirits of fear, doubt, and hesitation to loose your children right now in the Name of Yahushua. I see so many GIFTS you have placed within them that are to come forth for Your Kingdom WITHOUT DELAY. I see the enemy of their souls pursuing them speaking lies and telling them they are not worthy, protected, or ready. He knows this very GIFT will destroy his army of darkness. I speak to the GIFT within them and say, “Come forward now in the Name of Yahweh.”
Stand in His Truth and know this was never about you but about His Kingdom. You want to serve Him and want it to only be about Him. He has heard your Heart cry and is calling you forward. Why do you allow the evil one to turn your focus on yourself causing fear of what others will think or worries about attacks you may face? His GIFT comes with Heaven’s bodyguard. NO MORE HESITATION. Your GIFT is meant to hold back the enemy not allow him to advance. DO SOMETHING.
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Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!