It is time for you to bring your prayer life to the next level. Use the Written Word against the devil. Combine the Written Word WITH your daily walk AND your prayers. When you feel hopeless and need a Miracle, read Matthew 19:26 “But Yahushua looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible.” When you feel anxiety knocking on your door receive what is written in Isaiah 35:4 “Say to those who have an anxious heart, ‘Be strong; fear not! Behold, your GOD will come with vengeance, with the recompense of GOD. He will come and save you.’ ” There are so many powerful, timely scriptures from GOD waiting for you to connect through the Holy Spirit (aka Ruach Hakodesh). It will bring Clarity to chaos. It will bring Hope in gloom and draw you closer to Him.
“But truly GOD has listened; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.” Psalm 66:19
❤️ and follow me on Instagram @ammielpetersb2g for Inspirational Prophetic Word helping you grow in hearing God’s Voice.✝️✨❤️🔥
Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!