Every Tear

I saw a Vision of a woman’s face up close. I saw the tears quietly making their way down her face. She didn’t say a word with her lips, but her Heart was beating as ONE with Yahushua. In an impossible way, she had JOY within her Heart but in the external life the struggle was real. Her faith steadfast, truly unshakeable. Her Trust, 100% in Him. Her Hope, filled to the brim. She is Blessed, truly Blessed. She knows it and BELIEVES it with every part of her being. But the lashings and punches of words and actions of others are still felt … every one of them. They leave bruises that are deep. She continues to turn the other cheek to pray for those others call hopeless and unlovable. She lives Love but some find it okay to take their jabs and punches. They distorted the Truth and painted a false image of her. They poisoned others with their wounded thoughts and words. They pushed people away that she was meant to help. She looks up. She is incredibly strong. He IS her strength. The Vision zoomed out and I saw Yahushua’s Hand gathering every tear. I heard Him gently whisper, “I am for you.” She heard Him and sobbed receiving and feeling how deep His Love is for her. He will set a table before her enemies and her prayers will be answered. She stood up, dried her tears and composed herself no one the wiser of what this Mighty Warrior faces … but He knows and that is all that matters.

It was another powerful Vision from the Father. He needs you to know, HE IS FOR YOU. No matter what things “appear” to be right now, your enemies will not have the last say. He will deal with all those who come against you. He will reveal the Truth and expose the darkness behind every false claim. He is your defender. He will command your enemies to confess and right their wrongs. 

“You have taken account of my wanderings; Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book? Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me.” Psalm 56:8-9

“that you receive her in YHWH in a manner worthy of the saints, and that you help her in whatever matter she may have need of you; for she herself has also been a helper of many, and of myself as well.” Romans 16:2

“I’m pleading with you, Yahweh, help me! Don’t close your ears to my cry, for you’re my defender. ” Psalm 28:1 (TPT)

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!!!

Does God Still Speak to His Children Today? Part 1


If this is an unfamiliar area or topic for you, then that is why He has guided you to this PROPHETIC WORD today. It is critical for His children to hear, recognize and MOVE by His Voice. God (YHWH, Hebrew Name for the Father) is speaking in different ways to His children across the globe. Some audibly hear Him, some have a strong knowing from within their spirit and others see into the Spirit as if a movie plays out in front of them. There are many other ways He speaks to His children, these are only a few of them.

The trumpet is being blown and the TRUTH is going forward filling the atmosphere. When a trumpet is blown, it commands attention. As I see the trumpet being blown, I see the WORD “AWAKEN” going out on the sound waves penetrating the atmosphere on every level. Many have spoken about the sounding of the trumpet as a warning to His children. However, this Vision is very clear and very strong. It has more weight than others. This trumpet is not by the hands of His children physically going to wake people, but by the Father’s Hand directly through His Spirit. 

For far too long, the devil has used fear, distractions, hesitations, worry, illness, chaos, etc. to take people away from delivering a Message of Awakening to His children. The devil has had so many demons on assignment to get people to look left when God ordered them to go right. The demonic forces have stepped in to disrupt countless things in the physical realm so the connections don’t happen or are greatly delayed (sometimes for years). So many, in fact, that the workers of darkness (and sadly some believers) actually believe the darkness is winning.

It is time for NEW eyes and NEW ears. Can you hear His Angels SINGING it in the atmosphere? This TRUMPET BLAST that has gone forward is AWAKENING the souls right now at the SPIRIT LEVEL. It is not a physical shaking but from deep within them. It will awaken even those deepest in slumber. The demons are trembling and shaking watching how their efforts to cause illusions and manipulations in this physical world are falling to the ground, useless. 

Remember this scripture, “And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know YHWH,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.” Hebrews 8:11 

The MOST POWERFUL GIFT through Yahushua is LIFE in a way His children are just beginning to spiritually understand. It was not just the stone rolling away and the covering of sins. It is the TRUTH, the POWER and GIFT that HE IS ALIVE and SPEAKS TO HIS CHILDREN … true manna from Heaven every day. It is time for you to learn to hear the Shepherd’s Voice. Subscribe and check back for important PROPHETIC WORD and Teachings to help you grow deeper and closer to Him than ever before.

For those who do hear His Voice today, He is showing me that He is bringing you to higher heights of clarity. He is going to speak so clearly that you will no longer have to pause and ask Him for confirmation that it is Him. You WILL KNOW it is Him. You will go through a period of clarity in preparation for the next level.

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!!!

There is ONE who believes in you

Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today with thanksgiving and praise in our Hearts. Thank You for all that You do each and every day for us. Thank You for Heaven’s bodyguard over our lives. Thank You for going after the one who is lost. Each of us was lost at one time and we are so grateful that you left the 99 to find us. Today we cry out for the one. The one who is alone and far from you. The one who doesn’t know where their next meal is going to come from. The one who knows in their heart that You are real but they do not have the courage to go to a local church. The one who is fighting suicidal thoughts at this moment. The one who is in a fog of depression. The one fighting for their marriage because it is in a downward spiral. The one who is confused about their identity. The one who is ensnared by lust. The one who is filled with regret and shame. The one who is committing adultery and cannot seem to break out. The one being pulled by the spirit of pornography. The one who feels unworthy and unloved. 

Father, there are so many who need help right now. You know them all by name and know every hair on their head. We ask that You send Yahushua to them today, at this hour. Please rescue them and let them know there is freedom and hope in Yahushua. They do not have to stay trapped in the shackles of this world. Please let them know how deeply they are Loved.

Amen and HaleluYah!

“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19

“Then Yahushua told them this parable: Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:3-7

Soon the Clouds Will Clear

You’ve entered a season that is on the brink of breakthrough. As you climb to new heights, you may go through a brief moment of what appears to be fog. Just as an airplane takes off and pushes through clouds to reach the perfect altitude above the cloud line, you will soon reach that perfect altitude. You may not realize it yet, but you were designed and made to reach new heights and much higher heights for His Glory. 

And if the clouds surround you, do not fear. The breakthrough and clarity are just on the other side of those clouds. Soon you will be flying above the cloud line with miles upon miles of beautiful blue skies. You have been asking for clarity. It is on its way!

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:8

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!!!

Pray Without Ceasing, Someone Needs It

Take a moment to pray from the depths of your soul. Has Yahushua placing someone on your heart? Pray for them. Has He shown you something in the world that wants to push your buttons and get you angry? Pray about it. If you haven’t felt called to pray lately, pause and ask Him who you can pray for right now. Prayer is so critical to all of our lives. There is something right now, at this exact second, who needs a prayer Yahushua has put within your Heart. Pray … there is so much POWER when you PRAY.

9And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of Yahushua, fully pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 being strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. 13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:9-14

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!

Thankful Heart, What are you thankful for today?

Take a moment to pause and count Your Blessings today. What are you most thankful for in this present time? Write them down. Often people will write down three or five things, but I challenge you to write 10 things that you are thankful for right now. This exercise is teaching you to open up to His Spirit of Thankfulness. 

As you begin to write them down, the first few may come easy but then seem to slow down to a trickle. Keep pressing in. Dig deep into your heart, be patient, clear your thoughts of the busyness and worries of life. Focus on Yahushua’s face, feel His LOVE for you. You have so much to be thankful for … dig deeper and let the Blessings flow. As you intentionally seek His gratefulness, you will be amazed at the endless Praises of Thankfulness within you.  

Father, today we pour out our Hearts of gratefulness to You. We are so very thankful for all that You are and all that You have done in each of our lives. To think that You sent Your one and only Son for us so that we can have eternal life … the human mind cannot fully comprehend. We thank You from every part of our being for providing for us in impossible ways. We thank You for Your never ending LOVE. We thank You for all those You have placed in our lives. Let us never be a burden, but let us be a Blessing. Thank You for rescuing us.  

“Praise Yahweh. Give thanks to Yahweh, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Psalm 106:1

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!

Do Not Turn Back

Yahweh, we come into Your courts with THANKSGIVING and PRAISE. We are so THANKFUL for all that You are and that you have never given up on us. You have been here through it all. We join together in alignment of Your Spirit placing these requests before You.

Father, please send forward Your Warring Angels to push back the darkness that is pursuing Your chosen. I see You have chosen many but the devil is trying to attack their minds. He is trying to get them to believe that they do not have a call on their lives when they DO have a large call on their lives. Please send Ministering Angels to lift their faces to the Heavens and focus on Yahushua (aka Jesus). I see traps being set by the devil but we stand against the wiles of the devil and cry out for those who are feeling weak. They do what they don’t want to do. Help them, Father. Wrap Your loving arms around them, embrace them. Let them know your selfless, unconditional Love.

I hear “DO NOT GO INTO WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY PRAYED OUT OF”. Yahweh breathe NEW LIFE into them. Help them so this time they DO NOT go back. I feel an urgency in my Spirit with this prayer. The devil has been breaking them down and wanting them to believe that You do not exist or if You do exist that You do not care about them … all lies. We arrest the demons of lies in the Name of Yahushua and return them to the pits of hell. We declare VICTORY and strength in You for their lives. You are their rescue story. Amen and HaleluYah!

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

Rising Above it All

You are not hopeless. You CAN do something … PRAY. He is calling you to pray more deeply than ever before. The physical situation may seem impossible but remember, NOTHING is impossible for Him. 

“But Yahushua looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Do not believe the lies of the devil saying that you just have to watch things unravel. You are NOT a victim. You have Victory in His Name! Get on your knees and pray! As you begin to pray in alignment with His Will, His Spirit within you goes forward and starts fighting battles, moving mountains and accomplishing His plan. You cannot see it with physical eyes, but you can see it with His Spiritual eyes. Ask Yahushua (aka Jesus) to give you eyes to See and ears to Hear. 

The battle is fought and won at the Spirit. It then manifests in the physical. Yahushua told us that things are not easy in this world but He has overcome this world. Pray and keep praying … 

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in HaMashiach Yahushua for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!

Breakthrough Is Coming

Things are aligning in the background that you cannot see. He is orchestrating every detail.

Pause, take a deep breath and recenter in His Spirit. He has a plan for you. 

Pause again, breathe and let His Peace fill you and surround you. 

He is showing me the story of the man pushing on the rock. God instructed the man to push on a very large rock every day. The man was obedient. So each day for hours, he would push on the rock as God instructed him to do. Some people who walked by would ask him why he was wasting his time because it was impossible to move that rock. Some even laughed and said he looked foolish. But the man was faithful and continued to push on the rock day after day in spite of the discouragement and lashes he would take from others. 

After a time, he found himself getting discouraged and hearing the words being spoken over him louder than God’s Voice within. He continued to fight through until one day, he felt so defeated. He got on his knees and cried out to God asking, “Why is the rock not moving? I have been faithful and have done what You asked me to do.” God responded and said, “Son,  I never told you to move the rock. I told you to push the rock. Take a moment to look at your arms. Do you see the strength and muscles that you have gained by faithfully pushing on the rock?” The man looked and had not realized how strong he had become. God said, “You are now prepared for what I have ahead for you. You needed strengthened inwardly and outwardly. Now, I will move the rock for you.”

I know some of you have been pushing on the rock for sometime now. You have gained much strength and continuing to gain even more. And just like the man in the story, you don’t realize just how much strength you now have both inwardly and outwardly. Breakthrough is coming. God will move the rock.

“And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large.” Mark 16:4

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 11:15

Will you Worship with me today through this song? Elevation Worship, The Blessing

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!


Oh Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for all that You are and all that You have done in our lives. Yahweh, bring each Heart into Your Worship today. Draw their Hearts away from the things of the world and saturate them with Your Presence. Please allow them to have a personal experience with the One and only Living God. So many in the world need YOU. They need Your JOY. They have forgotten where they came from and who they are in You. Draw them so closely to You. Just as a Father wraps his arms around his child so they feel safe and loved … embrace them, LOVE them and keep them close to You. Let them know Your presence and fill them with Your JOY.

I hear, “remain in Me and I will remain in you”. As He draws you closer to Him, stay in His Loving Arms … let Him never leave your thoughts or your heart. 

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11