Heavenly Father where You are there is always Hope, always Love, and always Peace. So many in this world need you. They need a Miracle. They need deliverance that only Your Hand can bring. They are surrounded by darkness and in desperate need of a Savior. They need Yahushua to fight against the darkness. They cannot do it on their own but with You, they can do all things. Father Yahweh, I feel the hearts of so many hurting and in pain, they just don’t know how to escape. Send them Yahushua, let them open their Heart to His Saving Grace. Let them know that there is One who fights for them, will never abandon them and loves them more than human words could ever express. Get to the brokenhearted and let them know just how deeply You Love them. Let them know through Yahushua there is Hope. There is a spiritual battle most do not yet understand, a darkness that is impossible to beat without Yahushua. He commands demons to leave. He cleanses their temple of darkness and fills them with His Light. He sends the Ruach Hakodesh (aka Holy Spirit) to Comfort them and guide them in all they need. Please let Salvation come today for millions (suddenly!) across the world. Let today be “the” day for many who are hurting to be restored through Yahushua.
“But Yahweh is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3
Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!