Do Not Turn Back

Yahweh, we come into Your courts with THANKSGIVING and PRAISE. We are so THANKFUL for all that You are and that you have never given up on us. You have been here through it all. We join together in alignment of Your Spirit placing these requests before You.

Father, please send forward Your Warring Angels to push back the darkness that is pursuing Your chosen. I see You have chosen many but the devil is trying to attack their minds. He is trying to get them to believe that they do not have a call on their lives when they DO have a large call on their lives. Please send Ministering Angels to lift their faces to the Heavens and focus on Yahushua (aka Jesus). I see traps being set by the devil but we stand against the wiles of the devil and cry out for those who are feeling weak. They do what they don’t want to do. Help them, Father. Wrap Your loving arms around them, embrace them. Let them know your selfless, unconditional Love.

I hear “DO NOT GO INTO WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY PRAYED OUT OF”. Yahweh breathe NEW LIFE into them. Help them so this time they DO NOT go back. I feel an urgency in my Spirit with this prayer. The devil has been breaking them down and wanting them to believe that You do not exist or if You do exist that You do not care about them … all lies. We arrest the demons of lies in the Name of Yahushua and return them to the pits of hell. We declare VICTORY and strength in You for their lives. You are their rescue story. Amen and HaleluYah!

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

Breakthrough Is Coming

Things are aligning in the background that you cannot see. He is orchestrating every detail.

Pause, take a deep breath and recenter in His Spirit. He has a plan for you. 

Pause again, breathe and let His Peace fill you and surround you. 

He is showing me the story of the man pushing on the rock. God instructed the man to push on a very large rock every day. The man was obedient. So each day for hours, he would push on the rock as God instructed him to do. Some people who walked by would ask him why he was wasting his time because it was impossible to move that rock. Some even laughed and said he looked foolish. But the man was faithful and continued to push on the rock day after day in spite of the discouragement and lashes he would take from others. 

After a time, he found himself getting discouraged and hearing the words being spoken over him louder than God’s Voice within. He continued to fight through until one day, he felt so defeated. He got on his knees and cried out to God asking, “Why is the rock not moving? I have been faithful and have done what You asked me to do.” God responded and said, “Son,  I never told you to move the rock. I told you to push the rock. Take a moment to look at your arms. Do you see the strength and muscles that you have gained by faithfully pushing on the rock?” The man looked and had not realized how strong he had become. God said, “You are now prepared for what I have ahead for you. You needed strengthened inwardly and outwardly. Now, I will move the rock for you.”

I know some of you have been pushing on the rock for sometime now. You have gained much strength and continuing to gain even more. And just like the man in the story, you don’t realize just how much strength you now have both inwardly and outwardly. Breakthrough is coming. God will move the rock.

“And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large.” Mark 16:4

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 11:15

Will you Worship with me today through this song? Elevation Worship, The Blessing

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!

You Are Not Alone

Know you are Loved, truly deeply Loved. In the moments when you feel like no one cares … know He does. When you feel alone … know He is by your side. When you feel like you don’t have an ounce of strength to fight anymore … know He fights for you. 

This world can be challenging and the evil one wants you to “feel” defeated because he knows through Yahushua you will never be defeated. All the darkness can do is try to play on your emotions … but that is NOT your reality. Yahushua claims Victory in your life. He has gone before you and is your rear guard. He has over and over again crushed your enemies more than you have ever realized. I see the attack that has been on your life, but Yahushua says today, “THE VICTORY IS YOURS! YOU ARE MINE.” 

The next time satan tries to whisper in your ear or enter into your thoughts, you command him to GET BEHIND YOU. Your strength is in Him who has overcome this world. Your worth is in Him who has shed His blood for YOU. Your purpose will unfold exactly as He needs it to and in His PERFECT timing. The devil holds no power over you. The devil is a liar, resist his lies of defeat.  Stand in the Truth. 

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

“But thanks be to Yahweh, who gives us the VICTORY through Yahushua HaMashiach.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

“Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of Yahweh, but on the things of man.” Matthew 16:23

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!