
God has not given you a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind! The devil is a liar so do not believe his lies! You are walking in Yahweh’s POWER. He is within you and flows through you. Draw closer to Him. 

You have longed to hear His Voice so clearly. Listen for what He is speaking. I see He is speaking to you but the noise of the world has been so loud around you, you have not been intentional in seeking Him and hearing what He has to say to you. Without delay, stop what you are doing, shut off the noise from the world and LISTEN … He IS speaking.

He is bringing you to new heights. I see more and more reaching the highest heights, getting new eyes to see and new ears to hear. HaleluYah!!!

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

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Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!

Prayer for Peace, Provision and Purpose

May Yahweh Bless you beyond compare! I see so many FAITHFUL, LOVING Hearts pursuing Him with a passion 🔥 like no other. They want Him and nothing else. They are pursuers of TRUTH! They are steadfast and prayer warriors! Many not asking for anything for themselves so I am asking for you. May God Bless your lives! May His hand be evident so others take notice. May He overflow you with His Peace. May He send you the provisions you need to expand your ministry. May He open the door wide for your purpose. I see a door of LIGHT swinging wide open for YOU. Yahushua is standing to the right smiling with His Hand guiding you to the entrance. He had it planned all along. Amen and HaleluYah! 

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!


Yahweh spoke one Word to me for the Message today … dependency. Pause for a moment on what that word means to you, different things may come to mind. It may make you think of little children clinging to their parents. It may bring to mind vices that you feel you or others “need” to get through this life (i.e. phones/devices, medications, wine, chocolate, coffee, sugar, etc.). Or it could be a reminder of how you do not want to depend on anyone but yourself.

Does Yahweh come to mind when you think of dependency? I can see the moment when the little children came to Yahushua. He turned His attention to the little children and said all must become like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Mark 10:13-16

His Message for you today is, “Come to Me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Turn to Me for all things. Lean on Me. I am your strength. I am your answer. I am your everything. Do you perceive how I can move mountains and orchestrate every detail of your life? I will guide you to still waters and shelter you in the storm. Your protection is under My Wings. Do not stray from Me. I am your Strong Tower. It is I who gives and takes away. It is I who orchestrates your life when you surrender to My Will. What does this world have to offer you? Do not try by your might but by My Spirit that lives within you. You have all that you need just long to hear My Voice above your own and your adversary’s voice. I will instruct your steps and lead you to My Promised Land. Listen, I am speaking. Be obedient to My instruction.” 

He is showing me how many have their own plans and are determined to hit those goals, but so many have left Him out of the planning. They are depending on their own strength and the direction of the world instead of depending on Him. Turn to Him, let Him guide your every step … many are the plans in a person’s heart but His purpose will prevail.

“For I am Yahweh your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear;

I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

“Trust in Yahweh with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!

You Have Not Because You Ask Not

Boldly ask Yahweh for what you need and petition Him daily! He has placed a very specific Vision within you. Have you taken the time to pray for those specific needs? Talk with Him, write down those needs, pray over them and seek His continued guidance. He has placed that Vision within you for His Kingdom. I hear, “Who is man that you would even entertain their thoughts or words of negativity against the purpose I have placed within you? My purpose will prevail. Stand in My Truth. Align your thoughts with Me. I am by your side.”
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is Yahweh’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21
He has placed something so special within you. It is not meant to be hidden but to multiply in fruitfulness upon this earth. This is a call to PRAY for His Hand upon your purpose. Cry out and ask Him for clarity. Cry out and ask Him for provision down to the exact amount you need. Our Father in Heaven is the Creator of all and that includes every resource you need. What you are asking for to fulfill your purpose is a small amount of His provision. Do not limit your ask based on limiting beliefs.
“You do not have because you do not ask God.” James 4:2
His Message to you today is “Cry out to Me. Come into My Courts with Thanksgiving and Praise. I have been waiting for you to come to Me. I have placed a Vision and a purpose within you. I am stirring your Heart to bring forward a very specific purpose. No longer bury the talents in the ground that I have placed within you. Why do you hesitate? Take what I have placed within you and multiply it.”
Cry out to Him like Jabez.  Father Yahweh, I cry out to you, BLESS me. Expand my territory, keep evil far from me. BLESS me, Yahweh, so that I may be a Blessing as far as the eye can see in honor of Your Name. Amen and HaleluYah!

Yahweh Bless you and keep you, with MUCH Love!

Find Balance thru Purpose

Are you feeling like you are going thru the motions and wondering why things don’t feel as meaningful as they once did? Did you use to find joy in day to day things but now find you are feeling frustrated and unsatisfied? These are symptoms of imbalance in your life. You can fill your life with all of the things you think would make you happy (or use to make you happy) but if you are not living purpose, it leaves a void. In today’s culture, it is easy to get vacuumed into the busyness, the “To Do” list and what you feel is the “have to” list but if you’re not careful those busy activities will try to snuff out purpose. Take time to serve others thru your purpose. Volunteer, write a blog, cook a meal for someone, visit the elderly, unplug and spend uninterrupted time with someone who needs a heart just like yours to listen, counsel and help … whatever it is. When you take time to live a purposeful life, the mundane doesn’t seem mundane anymore because you have purpose. Your purpose is not just going thru the motions … Be intentional.