His Message to you today is, “It is time to leave the past in the past. It is time for a NEW chapter in your life. I have seen your struggles, your pain and every tear. I am here to bring full Healing to your broken Heart. Rest in Me as we start a NEW thing, together. You are Mine and I will protect you. No longer carry any of your past into your future. The past hurts and pains can manifest illness in your body if you continue to hold onto it. Bitterness can take root if you do not release the poison of the pain. Release all that you have been holding onto so tightly and take My Hand instead. In Me you will find rest. Search deep within your Heart and find forgiveness because it IS in there. You were made in My image; all that you need is already within you. Forgive them and extend the same Grace that I have given you. It is time to close that door of pain, shame and regret. It is time for you to move forward now WITH Me. We will work through this together one step at a time. I will not leave you. I Love you and look forward to OUR FUTURE together. I am your Comforter and Safe Harbor. Rest in Me.”
Heavenly Father, as the Hearts open their hands and arms to receive You and release all they have been holding onto … I cry out to You today and ask You to sever all soul ties and heart string connections that were woven by the enemy in their lives. The devil will NO LONGER be able to pull on those heart strings because Your Voice of Truth will be LOUDER than the devil’s lullaby. I ask Yahweh that You touch and heal their Hearts fully in this hour through the Healing power of Yahushua. Break every chain holding them to their past for they are covered in the resurrection power of Yahushua and are promised NEW Life in Him. Shower them with Your LOVE and let it be evident today. Let it be a very TANGIBLE moment where Your LOVE saturates them in a Supernatural way. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer, Yahweh. Amen and HaleluYah!
“I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Yahushua.” Philippians 3:13-14
Will you Worship with me today through this song? Burn the Ships, for King & Country
Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!