Faithful and True, Keep Going!!!

Oh someone needs to hear this today, Amen! Receive this Truth! The world has broken you down for far too long but you still BELIEVE. You did not forsake Him in your trials and challenges. You stayed steadfast in the Almighty. He is FAITHFUL and TRUE. I see you running up the mountain, keep going! Because once you reach the top you will have your Moses moment. He will speak so clearly about the path He needs you to take. You will stand and watch the mountain across from you MOVE (the one that has been blocking too many Blessings!). Praise Yahweh!!! Stay steadfast, you are almost there!

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7

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Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!

Find Balance thru Purpose

Are you feeling like you are going thru the motions and wondering why things don’t feel as meaningful as they once did? Did you use to find joy in day to day things but now find you are feeling frustrated and unsatisfied? These are symptoms of imbalance in your life. You can fill your life with all of the things you think would make you happy (or use to make you happy) but if you are not living purpose, it leaves a void. In today’s culture, it is easy to get vacuumed into the busyness, the “To Do” list and what you feel is the “have to” list but if you’re not careful those busy activities will try to snuff out purpose. Take time to serve others thru your purpose. Volunteer, write a blog, cook a meal for someone, visit the elderly, unplug and spend uninterrupted time with someone who needs a heart just like yours to listen, counsel and help … whatever it is. When you take time to live a purposeful life, the mundane doesn’t seem mundane anymore because you have purpose. Your purpose is not just going thru the motions … Be intentional.

Learning Opportunity

Same situation, different perspective. You can choose to look at the situation as a failure or you can see it as a learning opportunity. How will seeing it as a learning opportunity help? People tend to lose their identity in their experiences. What I mean by this is if people have experienced what they view as failures in their lives, then they often view themselves as a failure. But if you view the situation as an opportunity to learn, you will have a desire to do better, keep trying and not give up!

With much Love,

The Beginning of Wisdom …

Know who you are and do not let the influencers of this world take you down a path you were never to go down. What is your personal Truth? Who are you in that Truth? Are you the same no matter what the environment or do you mold and change to the environment around you? There is no one else like you. You are destined for something no one else may understand especially those closest to you. Do you know that most of the people who have impacted humanity in a big way have had to overcome adversities often from their own family, inner circle and those who are to encourage and lift them? Stand strong and know who you are … no longer give mind to or believe the negativity spoken about you whether it is behind your back or to your face. Rise above it and live your personal Truth. 

Be kind to yourself and others. Big hugs!

#Truth #steadfast #knowwhoyouare #wisdom #rise #youcandoit#believe #ammiepeters #ammielpeters