For today’s Message, Yahweh started it with a Song Prayer that I had not heard before … Here’s My Heart by Casting Crowns. It beautifully guides you into a prayer to cry out to Him and Sing His Truth over your life. It declares His Words and calls Him even closer to you than before. As you sing out loud, you prophesy HIS TRUTH over your own life. You speak LIFE over your own life. You come into alignment and surrender your Heart to Him.
“I am found, I am yours. I am loved. I’m made pure. I have life. I can breathe. I am healed. I am free.”
The lyrics cry out asking Him to sift your Heart. It is such an important part of your Spiritual growth. When you cry out and ask Him to sift your Heart, He will do it! As He reveals things to you, do not feel condemned. He will convict your Heart to bring correction and healing that is needed. He will reveal things within your heart that is not pleasing to Him. He also will show you things that are pleasing to Him and how much you are Loved. He wants you to surrender the unfruitful things in your life to Him today. Cry out asking Yahushua to deliver you of anything that is not pleasing to Him. Desire to be all that He has made you to be. GIVE HIM YOUR HEART. If He shows you things to change or make right then do it! The enemy is holding too many people captive using things shoved down deep in their hearts. Yahweh wants to sift your heart so you can have those things delivered and dealt with once and for all. When He surfaces things, do not get discouraged or feel shame … repent. Yahushua is here to free you of those things and to help you align with Yahweh’s Will. The devil is the accuser, not Yahweh. Please remember that the next time he tries to speak lies to you.
“God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares.” Psalm 139:23
“And now you must repent and turn back to Yahweh so that your sins will be removed, and so that times of refreshing will stream from the Yahweh’s presence.” Acts 3:19
Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!