Dear Heavenly Father, so many people are struggling right now at this moment. They are faithful and crying out to you but they need help, supernatural help. They need an undeniable encounter with their Loving Heavenly Father. You know their struggles are real and too much for them to carry. They believe in You and know You are the Healer but they do not believe you will heal them. They believe it is for others. They feel unworthy. Yahweh show them the power of the cross. Show them the unconditional Love and Grace given through Yahushua. Remind them that through His stripes they are healed. Reignite Hope within them God. Let them know You are there. Amen and HaleluYah!
Heavenly Father we enter into Your gates with THANKSGIVING and PRAISE. We are so honored to serve You and to be Your Heart upon this earth. We THANK YOU for all that You have done in our lives and for never giving up on us. We are eternally grateful that you left the 99 to find the 1. When we were lost, you FOUND US. You went after us and grabbed us out of satan’s hold.
Yahweh, You say where two or more are gathered, touch and agree upon anything and it will be done. Today Yahweh, we lift up our Voices together to cry out for Your children struggling with depression. We lift them all up at this moment, Yahweh. We command every spirit of depression to leave their gates now in the Name of Yahushua (aka Jesus)! We use the authority that has been given to us by Yahushua and bind every spirit of depression, anxiety, and suicide right now. We return it to the pits of hell from which it came. It can no longer taunt them or be a dominating voice in their lives. We call in the FIRE of the Ruach Hakodesh (aka Holy Spirit) upon their lives to burn away all chaff and to fill every spot that those spirits were occupying. Amen!
I hear FREEDOM!!! HaleluYah!!! It is done. Be free and know that Yahushua will not let you out of His sight. These spirits hold NO POWER over you. You are His.
“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in Heaven.” Matthew 18:19
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” Luke 10:19
For today’s Message, Yahweh started it with a Song Prayer that I had not heard before … Here’s My Heart by Casting Crowns. It beautifully guides you into a prayer to cry out to Him and Sing His Truth over your life. It declares His Words and calls Him even closer to you than before. As you sing out loud, you prophesy HIS TRUTH over your own life. You speak LIFE over your own life. You come into alignment and surrender your Heart to Him.
“I am found, I am yours. I am loved. I’m made pure. I have life. I can breathe. I am healed. I am free.”
The lyrics cry out asking Him to sift your Heart. It is such an important part of your Spiritual growth. When you cry out and ask Him to sift your Heart, He will do it! As He reveals things to you, do not feel condemned. He will convict your Heart to bring correction and healing that is needed. He will reveal things within your heart that is not pleasing to Him. He also will show you things that are pleasing to Him and how much you are Loved. He wants you to surrender the unfruitful things in your life to Him today. Cry out asking Yahushua to deliver you of anything that is not pleasing to Him. Desire to be all that He has made you to be. GIVE HIM YOUR HEART. If He shows you things to change or make right then do it! The enemy is holding too many people captive using things shoved down deep in their hearts. Yahweh wants to sift your heart so you can have those things delivered and dealt with once and for all. When He surfaces things, do not get discouraged or feel shame … repent. Yahushua is here to free you of those things and to help you align with Yahweh’s Will. The devil is the accuser, not Yahweh. Please remember that the next time he tries to speak lies to you.
“God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares.” Psalm 139:23
“And now you must repent and turn back to Yahweh so that your sins will be removed, and so that times of refreshing will stream from the Yahweh’s presence.” Acts 3:19
His Message to you today is, “It is time to leave the past in the past. It is time for a NEW chapter in your life. I have seen your struggles, your pain and every tear. I am here to bring full Healing to your broken Heart. Rest in Me as we start a NEW thing, together. You are Mine and I will protect you. No longer carry any of your past into your future. The past hurts and pains can manifest illness in your body if you continue to hold onto it. Bitterness can take root if you do not release the poison of the pain. Release all that you have been holding onto so tightly and take My Hand instead. In Me you will find rest. Search deep within your Heart and find forgiveness because it IS in there. You were made in My image; all that you need is already within you. Forgive them and extend the same Grace that I have given you. It is time to close that door of pain, shame and regret. It is time for you to move forward now WITH Me. We will work through this together one step at a time. I will not leave you. I Love you and look forward to OUR FUTURE together. I am your Comforter and Safe Harbor. Rest in Me.”
Heavenly Father, as the Hearts open their hands and arms to receive You and release all they have been holding onto … I cry out to You today and ask You to sever all soul ties and heart string connections that were woven by the enemy in their lives. The devil will NO LONGER be able to pull on those heart strings because Your Voice of Truth will be LOUDER than the devil’s lullaby. I ask Yahweh that You touch and heal their Hearts fully in this hour through the Healing power of Yahushua. Break every chain holding them to their past for they are covered in the resurrection power of Yahushua and are promised NEW Life in Him. Shower them with Your LOVE and let it be evident today. Let it be a very TANGIBLE moment where Your LOVE saturates them in a Supernatural way. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer, Yahweh. Amen and HaleluYah!
“I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Yahushua.” Philippians 3:13-14
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for another Beautiful Day upon this earth. A day to make a difference. A day to overflow our Hearts to others. A day to gain strength and be restored in You. A day to be healed and to rejoice in all that You are. We enter into Your gates with thanksgiving and praise. Thank You from deep in our Hearts for all that You do for us each and every day.
Father Yahweh, we cry out to the Elohim of Israel asking for Healing of the minds and souls. So many need a Miracle Touch today, at this moment. I see some on their knees with tears in their eyes simply saying, “Help”. Our help comes from You, Yahweh. Send Your Help to each Heart in need. Yahweh, so many who believe in You even when they cannot see. They have had faith through their struggles, pains and what appears to be hopeless situations. They have continued to Love and cry out to You for help. So many have faced and are facing difficult situations tied to finances, loved ones who are lost and far from you, abusive situations and much more. We cry out that you would send Help, that You would provide all that they need. Yahweh, I see the spirit of suicide crouching on some of their doorsteps. In the Mighty Name of Yahushua, I command those demons of suicide back to the pits of hell never to return. I declare YOU SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE. The devil is a liar. You stand in the TRUTH of Yahushua and know that those things the devil tries to remind you of … Yahushua has already forgiven. It is done. Devil you loose your hold off of their finances, off of their children and off of their purpose. They are children of Yahweh and covered by the promise and blood of Yahushua HaMashiach. Today is a day of RENEWED HOPE, STRENGTH and FREEDOM from that oppression. I see Yahushua extended His Healing Hand to you right now. I see chains of addictions, unworthiness, depression, obesity, and fear breaking by His Hand right now. Yahweh has heard your prayer and His Angel Armies are at your door. Let the WORD go out in the atmosphere … YOU ARE A CHILD OF YAHWEH. It is not who you are that has the demons trembling but WHOSE you are … rest in that TRUTH and receive it today.
Amen and HaleluYah!
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from Yahweh, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber; Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Yahweh watches over you— Yahweh is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night. Yahweh will keep you from all harm— He will watch over your life; Yahweh will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121
The world is filled with many hurting people and hurt people, hurt people. But the opposite is true as well. Healed people, heal people.
I know it isn’t easy when people hurt you or when you have made mistakes and hurt others. Each person goes through different situations to test their hearts and sometimes they fail. It doesn’t make them a horrible person. It makes them broken and indicates healing (and sometimes deliverance) is needed. But Yahushua has come for the broken. He meets people where they are and Loves them through it all. Each Heart is a work in progress until they take their last breath on earth. He has placed on my Heart today this gentle reminder … Yahushua covers it all (for others and for you). He Loves you more than you could ever imagine. His unfailing Love breaks every chain including unforgiveness. Don’t let unforgiveness take root in you. If someone has hurt you, follow Yahushua’s example. While He was being crucified, He cried out for His enemies.
“Yahushua said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
How much greater of suffering did He endure but yet He cried out for forgiveness for those coming against Him. His Love is so great that instead of thinking about his pain and suffering, He cried out for others.
Unforgiveness for others and for yourself can keep you in bondage. And many cannot yet see the darkness that is behind using people’s hearts, minds and voices to cause division and destruction. So many are hurting and facing incredibly difficult circumstances (physically and emotionally). This is not an excuse for hateful behavior but an encouragement to pray for others (including yourself) if you find yourself in those moments. Yahushua can heal ALL and that includes even the most broken. Remember our fight is not against flesh and blood but the dark principalities (read Ephesians 6). Ask Him to give you His eyes so you can see right into the Heart of others and past any emotional moment you or they may have had. Pray for your enemies. And ask Him for forgiveness of anything you may have done to hurt others. He is by your side and will help you grow through it. He will not leave you the same way He found you. Allow others the same GRACE that He has extended to you. I hear Him saying, “Love others the same way I Love you”.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
You have a choice. You can continue to focus on the situation or you can focus on the Savior who changes every situation.
Your diet is critical to helping your body heal. Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit are the four pillars we will work on together. They are ALL important! Can you imagine a rectangular table with only 3 legs? It would fall over and that is what I have been seeing in some of my clients. They feel like they just cannot win! It usually indicates that one of these areas (and sometimes multiple) are not being nurtured or supported. You are SPECIAL by design! We need to ensure ALL of you is getting the HEALING needed.
Today we are going to dive into some health benefits of flax seeds.
Did you know that FLAX SEED has multiple nutrients and is packed with some POWERFUL health benefits?
As little as 2 tablespoons a day can make a difference but if you are really wanting to jumpstart your health, you can boost it up to 4 to 5 tablespoons a day.
Some of the multiple health benefits are below:
Great source of Heart-Healthy omega-3 fats
Includes multiple nutrients such as Magnesium, Thiamine, and Copper
One of the richest dietary sources of lignans. Lignans can reduce the rate of cancer growth.
Some studies indicate flax seeds can reduce cholesterol by up to 11%!
Effectively lowers blood pressure
Flax seeds are easy to add to your diet whether it is through Flax Seed oil on your salad or including the flax seeds in your favorite smoothie. Time for your body to start getting the nutrients needed to heal at a cellular level. Your body is designed to HEAL. You just need to give it the proper fuel and care to optimize your Health.