His Message for you today is, “No more hesitation, COME AS YOU ARE. I am completing My work in you and will continue until you leave this earth. No longer wait until you feel you’re ready. I want you to come as you are right now! All I need is your Heart willing and OBEDIENT to flow through and Miracles WILL happen and supernatural favor WILL be displayed. You have asked Me to use you but when I speak into your Heart you fight me every step of the way. Why? Did you not learn through the story of Moses when he also did not feel ready or qualified? Or the story of Jonah who fought me so much that I had to pick him up and place him where I needed him to be My Voice to the region? No longer continue in double-mindedness, it is not of Me. Press into Me and ask Me to renew your mind. No longer focus on all of the work you feel I still need to do in you but completely surrender to My will and purpose. Are you willing? Please read about King David and how I appointed him as King long before he felt he was ready. I am pushing you out of your comfort zone. Yes, I know it is uncomfortable but your GROWTH comes through persevering through those uncomfortable moments. Do you realize your Miracle, the one you have been praying to Me about for years, is just on the other side of that comfort zone? I am preparing you for things that you do not yet understand. Every connection, every skill set, every prayer, and every tear will all be used for My GOOD and My GLORY. It will all come together in MY perfect timing, not yours. Trust in Me. Lean on ME and not the things of this world. I hold all that you need. Your obedience is the KEY to open the door to the IMPOSSIBLE. Take the steps I have commanded you.”
“And we know that in all things Yahweh works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Will you Worship with me today through this Worship Song? God Turn it Around (feat. Jon Reddick) Church of the City God Turn It Around (feat. Jon Reddick) | Church of the City
Yahweh Bless you, with MUCH Love!