The great divide is not what people think or believe it to be. If you are seeing it for anything other than a fight between GOOD VS EVIL then you have fallen into a trap of deception.
I have watched father turn on son, mother turn on daughter, brother turn on brother, and every other combination you can imagine in this time of GREAT DIVIDE. Many falling for the trap of deception by so easily believing what is being fed to them thru the news media and social media.
We are in a time where TRUTH Seekers WILL and ARE finding TRUTH when they search for it with all of their Hearts. The hearts who do not want to hear from the evils of this world but want to hear only ONE Voice … the Voice of TRUTH.
For too many years there has been controversy about the ONE Voice of TRUTH divided amongst thousands of beliefs and denominations … each believing their way is “the” way. And many who argue that there cannot be only ONE way or ONE TRUTH.
What is playing out in front of you is on the brink of the greatest divide in modern history and the loudest Voice of TRUTH ever being heard. This is a shaking and regardless of what the media is telling you, people all around the world ARE awakening to ONE Voice of TRUTH. A Voice that sings the same Melody, brings the same Peace, shares the same Hope for protection, restoration, and unity between the Hearts of people across every continent. A Voice saying ENOUGH is ENOUGH! A Voice whose convictions are solidifying ONE belief in the greater GOOD. A Voice speaking to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. A Voice that recognizes the evil operating THRU people instead of believing people are evil. A Voice of Forgiveness. A Voice of Healing. A Voice of looking for and finding the GOOD.
People who were on the fence of GOOD and evil (serving two masters) are now seeing the lies and deception which have made the decision to choose GOOD an easy decision. People are seeing and hearing TRUTH more clearly. Hearts that believe in GOOD are getting connected around the world at an accelerated rate. The belief inside the Hearts knows without a doubt which side it stands on. Their belief is more solidified than ever before.
If you have found yourself choosing a label of this world over LOVE then you have been deceived.
If you are seeing people for political party, race or religion over LOVE then you have been deceived.
GOOD clearly identifies itself and is separated by its very nature.
Identify the spirit of deception. You will recognize it because it speaks out of both sides of its mouth. It is double-minded and brings confusion.
It says it stands for protecting “some” lives and not all.
It says it stands for peace but brings destruction.
It says everyone has a right to live (including rapists, murders, etc) but yet says it is okay to kill babies, unborn and born. Do you see the double-mindedness?
It says it wants equal rights while it spews hate to anyone who does not believe the way it does.
It says someone is racist because of their skin color declaring doing this is bringing an end to racism … when it is actually bringing more racism. See the confusion???
GOOD LOVES AND UNIFIES.TRUTH SEEKERS are rising all over the world.
You will know them by their LOVE not their label. They …
Choose GOOD over evil.
Choose LIFE over death.
Choose HOPE over hopelessness.
Choose FORGIVENESS over bitterness.
Choose PEACE over unrest.
Choose LOVE over hate.
It is time for the GOOD to WIN.
#timefortheGOODtoWIN #truthseeker #truthseekers #hope #faith #love #life #peace #good #truth #voiceoftruth #unity #life #ammielpeters